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Alcohol - Featured articles:

A simple solution to DUI?

Why not put breath analysis technology inside each vehicle instead of in the hands of police? Before driving, drivers would have to blow a clean reading. However, proposed legislation in New York has strong opposition. More »

Top politician's DUI casts doubts on alcohol education effectiveness

For years, we've been bombarded with messages about drinking and driving, but do they work? Recent charges against the Premier of a Canadian province cast doubt on their effectiveness. More »

UK -- bounty on drinking drivers

Crimestoppers in Britain offered a 500 pound (US$800) reward for informing on drinking drivers over the holidays. More »

Drunk driving and phone use: study irresponsible

Britain's Royal Auto Club says comparison of cell phone use with drunk driving is irresponsible. More »

How drunk is drunk?

Despite the fact 72 percent of all Americans do not know their state's blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) limit, 77 percent say they have received enough information about drinking and driving and how alcohol affects their individual BAC level. More »

Merits of a .08 BAC per se law for adult drivers

The USA's NHTSA argues in favour of lowering blood-alcohol content limits. More »

High profile problem driver

When Richard Gnida was pulled over for running a stop sign in Detroit in July, 1999, he was found to have a BAC level of 0.12, well over the legal limit. More »

Alcohol & driving: tough on youth but slack for mature drivers

Journalist Eric Peters responds to a editorial article that rebutted Peters's arguments about the BAC level. More »

The case for .08 BAC: science vs. myth

A editorial piece rebutting Eric Peters's arguments against lowering the legal BAC level. More »

Mad about MADD: is a BAC level of .08 justified?

An automotive journalist takes Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to task for being overzealous in fighting drinking and driving. More »

Brewery teaches driving skills

Describes an advanced training course, and discusses the debates about the effectiveness of collision avoidance programs and the wisdom of accepting sponsorship from the alcohol industry. More »

Alcohol - Other links:

Information on drunk driving laws in California, USA, with special emphasis on first offenders.

Research article's full title is "The Finnish clinical test for drunkenness in evaluating the effects of drugs on driving fitness." Includes abstract.

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