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Travel and Driving

Auto Sharing Services - Featured articles:

Drivers in hot demand across Europe as airports closed for business

The ongoing eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano and the resulting ash cloud has caused the worst air travel chaos since 9/11. Numerous airports across Europe have been closed and thousands of planes grounded due to the risks posed by flying in or near this ash cloud, which is now covering much of Northern and Western Europe. More »

Sharing a car - to buy a condo

The idea of sharing ownership in a car is not new, but using it to help fund your purchase of a condominium apartment is. More »

Car-sharing teams with transit

Subway users in Washington DC will soon be able to use a car for an hour or two at the end of the train ride. More »

Car sharing: an idea whose time has come

Car sharing 'cooperative ownership' is an increasingly attractive alternative, when the circumstances are right. More »

Auto Sharing Services - Other links:

Why own when you can rent by the hour? AutoShare members get 24-hour, self-serve access to clean, modern cars and vans - at over 85 locations across the city - without the hassles, costs and headaches of ownership. Rent by the hour, when you need to.

You can select from handy trucks, environmentally-friendly hybrids, MINI convertibles, and more.

Drivers.com articles and links on car sharing

Car Sharing service - Zipcars live in your neighborhood! Drive MINIs, VWs, cars that haul and more. By the hour or day. Includes gas, insurance and parking. Simply reserve online, walk a block and drive away

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