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Topics related to Road Pricing/Tolls:

Road Pricing/Tolls - Featured articles:

Who will own the roads?

Highway megaprojects and foreign ownership are a hot topic. A unique book about Ontario's Hwy 407 unveils the political intrigue and financial imperatives behind "the world's first all-electronic, open-access toll highway" More »

Dubai Ports World and the Chicago Skyway

The Dubai Ports World deal may have caught the American public by surprise, but it shouldn't have. It has much in common with the Chicago Skyway toll road concession and other infrastructure megaprojects More »

Is road pricing about to take off?

Governments can't find money for roads, so tolls and road pricing are becoming very hot issues for drivers More »

Privacy outcry over traffic monitoring

Commuters using the San Francisco Bay area electronic toll system have new privacy concerns as the system extends its tracking of vehicles. More »

Drivers rejecting road tolls

Road pricing is the trend but Manchester rebels More »

A step closer to pay-per-mile

Pay-per-mile road pricing could be reality by 2020 says UK experts More »

Built-in automatic toll collection for every vehicle

President Obama may put big money into improving roads but in the long run, it's going to be tracking your car with GPS and charging you per mile More »

Pay-per-mile driving gets closer

All driving on public highways paid by the mile or kilometer? Motor fuel taxes aren't bringing in enough money so a new study using GPS explores the idea of paying by the amount of driving More »

Villagers fear road charges

UKs villages and rural areas worry about drivers fleeing road charges More »

Another US toll road for foreign sale

Another US toll road is being taken over by a foreign consortium. Local politicians have given the $3.8 billion deal a standing ovation but citizen groups are protesting More »

Accelerating electronic toll collection

A New Mexico track will serve as a hub for electronic toll collection design innovations. The goal is to design systems without toll gates, eliminating highway bottlenecks, (and taking our money faster). More »

London's disappearing traffic

Forget the Middle East conflicts for a while and take a close look at another war--the one against traffic congestion. London's $8 toll for driving downtown is just one battle, and the war is going to spread fast. The New York Times reports an American view of how it's going. More »

Speed limiters may be welcomed by motorists

A new U.K. survey indicates that motorists will submit to electronic tolls, speed limiters in cars and more if they get certain benefits in return. More »

License plates that talk

Well, maybe they don't "talk", but they can communicate. "Electronic number plates" with the capability to give out information about a vehicle as it passes through a tool booth, are to be tested in Nogoya, Japan. More »

Cell phones killing transponders

In Boston, mystery surrounded a rash of dying toll road transponders. More »

Truck tolls by radio

Radio operated truck toll system based on GPS is on the way in Europe. More »

Drivers will pay to enter London

In early 2003, drivers who enter the central part of London, England will have to pay £5 for the privilege, as London confronts congestion. More »

The future of roads: taxes or tolls?

Fed up with traffic congestion? Well maybe you'd better learn to love toll roads, says this author. More »

Road Pricing/Tolls - Other links:

An international educational and scientific association of transportation professionals who are responsible for meeting mobility and safety needs. 17,000 members working in more than 92 countries. Founded in 1930. Based in Washington, D.C.

An independent, unsubsidized, journalistic venture of Peter Samuel

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